Common Study Abroad Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Study abroad is an adventure, and like any adventure, you’re bound to make a few wrong turns along the way. Maybe it’s dragging an overstuffed suitcase through cobblestone streets, realizing you’ve spent your entire weekly budget on gelato, or sticking so closely to other American students that you barely feel like you’re in a different country at all. Some missteps turn into funny stories for later, but others can make your time abroad more stressful than it needs to be. A bit of foresight goes a long way.
Here are some of the most common study abroad mistakes, and a few tips on how to avoid them.
1. OVERPACKING. Since you’ll be gone for a while, it’s tempting to bring an outfit for every possible occasion, too many pairs of shoes, and all of your favorite toiletries…but you will—more likely than not—regret it. Not only because you won’t want to drag a heavy bag around the city, but because you’ll probably appreciate the extra space to bring home any treasures from your travels. Plus, you’ll be able to buy toiletries locally and you’ll probably find yourself picking up a few clothes along the way too! Instead, pack strategically, make versatile choices, and ask yourself if you REALLY need each item before you pop it in your bag.
2. STICKING TO AN AMERICAN BUBBLE. It’s easy to fall into the comfort of a routine that involves mainly interacting with other American students. It’s familiar, they get your cultural references and background, and they’re just as excited and/or as nervous as you are. But if you only spend time with people from back home, you’ll be missing out on one of the main reasons to study abroad: learning about, learning from, and immersing yourself in another culture. So join some clubs to make connections or choose a homestay if the option is available in your location. Seek out locals to befriend and you’ll have a more authentic and richer experience all around.
3. IGNORING YOUR BUDGET. This is easy to do when your friends are planning trips every weekend, when there are so many good restaurants to try, when it feels like it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and you have to experience everything to make the most of it. But if you start running out of money halfway through your trip, that’s definitely not ideal. So set a budget ahead of time, have an idea of how much you can travel beyond your host country, know how often you can eat out each week. Track your expenses and balance any splurges with more affordable experiences, like free museum days, walking tours, or picnics in the park, for example. Your future self will thank you and there’s plenty to do in each of our host locations that won’t break the bank.
4. TREATING STUDY ABROAD LIKE A VACATION. Yes, everything is different. Yes, it’s tempting to put off your homework in order to go to the beach or skip classes on a Friday or a Monday to have a longer weekend away. But falling behind can catch up with you quickly. Professors abroad also might have different expectations than you’re used to, including fewer assignments that go into your final grades. Find a rhythm that you can settle into that allows you to stay on top of your academics while still enjoying your experience, perhaps even simply changing your location; instead of sitting on your bed cooped up in your room, take your reading assignments along on a train journey, head to a local cafe to write an essay, or bring your books to the beach to do some pre-exam studying in the sun.
5. EXPECTING EVERYTHING TO BE LIKE HOME. Life abroad is likely very different from life at home, and that’s part of the reason why you decided to have this adventure, right? In Spain, dinner at 10 PM is the norm. In the UK, clothes dryers aren’t as common. Every country has its quirks. It's your job to embrace them! The food will be different. Shops might close in the middle of the day. People might not share your sense of personal space. Things that are reliable at home might be unpredictable abroad. The language is likely different, even if it is still English. People will likely have different traditions, values, beliefs, habits, and more. This exposure to and immersion in all things “different” is part of the beauty of study abroad, and if you open your mind to “difference”, your experience will be all the more positive and powerful for it, helping you to strengthen skills in flexibility, adaptability, and problem-solving.
6. FORGETTING TO DOCUMENT YOUR EXPERIENCE. Keep a journal. Stop and reflect once in a while. Make note of anything that surprises you or fills you with wonder. Make note of your first “Wow, this is really happening!” moment. Think about how, years from now, you’d love to be able to transport yourself back to this moment. Record the sounds, the sights, the smells, the tastes, the spectacular, the mundane, the tiniest details. Write down the ways your experience is changing you, when it challenges your own values and beliefs, and the stories of the people who you come across along the way. If you don’t like to write, record voice notes instead. Don’t be on your phone all the time, but remember to take photos and videos to appreciate and share later on.
7. NOT ASKING FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT. This is a new experience, and it’s normal to struggle at some point. It might be culture shock or homesickness, or academic stress. It might be struggling to balance it all. It might be a medical issue or a stolen passport or an issue with a roommate. Don’t pretend everything is fine; reach out! You have us, your site directors, your professors. Local friends can be great resources too. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own.
At the end of the day, studying abroad isn’t about perfection—it’s about learning, growing, and fully embracing your time in a new country, stumbling blocks included. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be able to navigate challenges with confidence and focus on what really matters: making the most of your time abroad.
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